Wednesday, November 21, 2007

JFK 2: The Bush Connection ****

Rating:  ***


CIA/Skull and Bones piloted the invasion of Cuba in 1959 with oil interests in mind.  Bay of Pigs invasion failed, obtained international attention.  According to the theory, JFK did not have any knowledge of the plans for the invasion.  Feeling that the CIA was operating on its own jurisdiction, he sent the FBI out to shut down the "Anti-Castro Cuban" bases being run by the FBI.  Hoover sent Oswald, a former CIA agent with ties to being cast as a socialist, to infiltrate the bases.  After shutting down the New Orleans base, Oswald is sent to Dallas.  The president is assassinated with the cooperation of the CIA and the secret service under top level CIA directives.  Oswald is framed.  Ruby (Jack Rubenstein, a former Nixon staffer in his California office) is sent to silence Oswald, and then lives in silence until he dies of lung cancer in jail.

This work is one of the most comprehensive views on these events.  While some of it goes above and beyond reason, most of it offers facts as a legitimate basis for hypotheses, and provides some decent character sketches and motivating forces behind historical events.  Most interesting are the connections between the person charged with perpetrating Watergate (E. Howard Hunt), Nixon, and George Bush Sr.  Also, it is interesting that Nixon was in Dallas on that day, and gave two different stories about where he was when he found out about the assassination.  It's remarkable because the two stories were actually published, and that's how we know of his selective recollection.  That's particularly odd, because anyone born no later than 1950 remembers exactly where they were when they found out, and who told them.  This is a remarkable fact and you can try it on old people.  It still works.

Additional Reading
Mary Pinchot
E Howard Hunt

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