Sunday, November 11, 2007

Money As Debt ****

Rating:  ****

Contains topics touched upon in the last section of Zeitgeist.  It follows the transgression or history of money as it actually unfolded.  Points out at the very beginning that most of us have never been briefed on how banking really works.  Everything about this documentary, probably more so than many of the other movies reviewed, is on point and can't really be argued with in terms of accuracy, factualness, or relevance.

Just like many of the other films here reviewed on Phiction, this film is intended to portray the world as it really works, which is not the way that it's generally assumed to work.  And like the others, it may try to imply why things work this way.  The answer is simple:  the people in power want to keep control into the hands of as few people as possible.  The entire system is set up that way, and this particular film makes that point in a clear, concise way.

The animations seem amateur, but the purpose is to give the narrative some visualization.  Taken alone, without the images and only the voice, it would make a perfectly good radio show.

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