Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Theta is a device which I have invented, for the purpose of establishing a connection with, what I believe, is a subconscious universe that is more challenging to understand than real life.  In that world, there are more possibilities, because none of it's happened. 

Some of it might but only in the form of movies.  I see things in my head which might resemble television or movies.  The message is always good, because I've tuned to a good frequency.  I keep its coordinates locked in my heart.  

This is the message of theta.  These are dreams that I've had the ability to write down.  In 2002, at the age of 22, back at my parent's house in my old bedroom from high school, I spent most of my time hiding in there, building weird machines (and then taking them apart), making weird songs (and then erasing them), and also writing lots of stuff (then burning it).  

Some of the stuff that I wrote was on the computer.  The reason is because I was able to type on the computer with my eyes closed.  My ability to create language on a typewriter developed better over time, and I practiced in my bed, while asleep.  Before I could afford a laptop, I would do this with a regular keyboard, leaving the monitor where it was.  

Theta is somewhat edited, because it has to be.  The session always ends like this: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  So I take that out, for sure.  Most of it is marginally interesting, or too personal and probably unable to be related.   That's me, falling asleep on the keys. 

Theta taught me how to let go of the constraints of my thoughts, by simultaneously teaching my fingers to do the same; to let loose on the keys.  Because it's not about the keyboard.  It's more really related to the act of translating thoughts into words, but spending more focus on seeing the thoughts.  The act of thinking, for me, is a very visual experience.  I almost can't see the world around me when I'm thinking too hard.  You might say that autistic children could be blamed for thinking too hard, and that the problems of the world have exacerbated the autistic population of the world by being just too complicated.  This isn't a child's inability to understand something.  It's that child's unwillingness to accept the irrationality of the situation.  

That's sort of related to theta, but even as I wrote those words, I could see through the eyes of an autistic child, and that's theta.  That's the ability to live through other peoples' experiences whose are not your own, and that's what the afterlife is like.  Those who are able to see into the dreamworld understand the afterlife in a little more depth than the rest of us, because the two are closely related.  The mind above us is the mind of the Globe; that is to say that our consciousness arises into the electromagnetic spectrum, quite physically this is true, as our thoughts, which are almost entirely "electronic" become released into another "sphere of influence."  That's why the only time people ever see ghosts, they're beautifully seen only as the Aurora Borealis, and nothing more, ever else.  The rest is in our imaginations, which is way more wild and crazy than our sedated, conscious lives, when we're really asleep.  

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