Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This whole thing started like a nightmare.  It ended like a dream, when I woke up and found out that none of it was real...  at least the personal part of it.

It was early.  The two of us rose from our cells, these classrooms they gave us.  Guys were put in one, and the women stayed in the other.  They each had their own set of problems but the guards said it was to keep the population down.  They only let the ones they want to have kids actually do anything.  And they have the rest of us conduct large ceremonies, even if the people getting married have no interest in it.  They were "chosen" and by that, this meant favors.  These favors had not meant freedom, but they were worth something, just the same.

The rest of us tended to the biology labs.  They taught us all how to make bugs disappear with zappers, and told us to be ready if there were ever a big giant wave of bugs.  We thought they were kidding, but then one day a huge swarm of bugs flew our way.  And we knew exactly what to do.  They said survival of the fittest is how the Universe becomes more intelligent.  So during any of these drills, a few would perish.  But that was just the meaning behind the experience, I guess.

I kept justifying it inside of my head that everything was really supposed to happen the way that I imagined in my dreams.  This was so far from a dream, that I felt it was just beyond my control, to see the world get any better.  I knew there was a big war on the other side of the fence, and that no one was really alive, and that we were 'safe' here, they said.  But still, I wanted to go outside.  I needed to know if there really was a big war, or that I was only imagining it.  I had no idea what was in store for us next.

See, here's the thing.  We were led to this place, disbelieving the reason why we were prodded so adamantly away from our destination that day.  It was an ordinary day, when it happened.  We were just going to work.  I was walking, with my wife, and we stopped at the bus stop and waited a little.  Then, a parade of police cop cars came and arrested a whole bunch of people, including us.  It sure looked like an arrest.  There were sirens and horns and everything else.  But then when we got inside the car, we asked the officers what happened.  And they said:

"No you didn't do anything wrong."
"Well then why are you driving us away?" we asked.
"It's for your own safety," he said.  "Everyone is in great danger."

How weird, I thought.  No warning on the news.  It feels like an arrest.  But the cops keep assuring me that I did nothing wrong.  I'm wondering why that is?  I can't get mad at them, because they're cops and they're just doing their job.  I am the invader, perhaps, to any police.  Not because I live there, or it's my home, but because the officer wants to know my thoughts, and she can't have my mom," he said.

The guards all looked away.  They had enough, overhearing our lame excuse for a conversation.  We didn't make any sense to them anyways.  As long as we weren't plotting an escape, they didn't care what we talked about.  And there was a very easy way to tell what we were talking about, even to them who didn't understand us.  We'd all get quiet, and discuss the goood old days.  Then some people would start getting sore over just their loss of memory.

In my mind, I recognized that all of life is just a memory.  And memories disappear when we die.  What remains are the feelings we get when making connections.  Some feelings are passed between lives, which prove that they really exist.  I dream that when I pass in this life, my next one will be full of surprises, fulfillment, and just prizes.

I was meandering down the walkway today.  That's all we can do.  The guards are not paid, in fact they were also picked up that day that we were hauled into this kennel.  They swear allegiance to the Lord.  When people are screaming at you, do you have the sensibility to know someone?  Those were the original points of discussion for all men, at one point in time.

Theta writing (sometimes dreaming) I come across some nonlinear parts.  As the upcoming months approached, time stood still for the wanderers.

The trains ran all day and all night to the warehouse factory, where we stayed.  I'd hear them late at night.

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