Monday, September 19, 2011

Mission Accomplished

Yeah, I did it. Put on a dark jacket over my best "go to jail" clothes: button down collar shirt under a v-neck sweater. Snug fitting jeans on top of under-armour for extra warmth. It's only a night in September, but it was all worth it.

Snuck out early. I am prone to make my own decisions. Some of these I may regret, but as long as she knows that I'm not out looking for someone else. It's a thing Im searching for. Somewhere between freedom of thought and the ability to share those thoughts, with more than just her. It's no longer meaningful to me, that I ramble to her about my political musings.

Shall I command a can? I can.
A can of spraypaint, in the pocket of my jacket. In my jeans, a ton of caps, few of which haven't been clogged.

Nothing ia quite as nerve-racking as climbing a billboard at night. The guys who get paid to put these up, they do that shit in the daytime. And even then, it's with ropes and harnesses. Climbing a new one for the first time took some mental preparing. I walked by the gas station. It's 11pm. I walk around where the car mechanics shops are. Everything is quiet except for the traffic.

I observe the distance from where cars can see me. Only in one direction, there is a road and an intersection with traffic from a highway exit ramp. The cars are sparse, but I still can't quite get up the nerve.

I decide to partially chicken out, thinking I need a beer or something to get me started. On my way back to the gas station, there is a bicycle, unlocked. I kick the tires gently: they've still got air. I don't need a bike (choice TL opportunity). I continue.

Just then a rough looking ghetto wildchild comes walking from the gas station. He sees me checking his bike and he isnt pleased. But my hands are in my pockets, and I look more curious than theif-minded. We cross paths and he takes his bike. I continue on.

After that, my mind is settled. Enough screwing around, its time to climb the damn thing. I turn around, back where the auto mechanics shops are. I hop the fence when no one is looking. No cars.

I make my ascent. The first 10 feet have no rungs, just steel to shimmy up. Once I reach it, I grab the ladder and pull myself up. Up. Up.

At the top, the catwalk is narrow. i turn around and the moon is glowing orange, behind a cloud. I climb to the top, and write F-.

Then, down I hike, desxending the ladder to the bottom portion of the billboard, where I complete the rest.

I make it dowm, once again evading the authorities. As well as, yet again, the odds of being caught, which feel as though they are always increasing. A scratch on my hand, one on my noss from a branch that scrapes me as I make my way baxk down in a hurry.

On the walk home, I feel free. I am liberated yet again, from being caught in an existence where I can think, but I can't share. In spite of the questionable legality, was it worth the risk? And the danger? At this point, all of that is irrelevant. It becomes a matter of considering if it's worth it to breathe, but not to speak. As humans, we are blessed with pur consciousness but cursed when we choose to ignore our common sense when we oppose something and we know it's wrong, and yet stay silent.

African slaves were forced to relocate, and prodded with weapons when they didn't move. We say they're free, but statistically they are still largely impoverished and imprisoned.

That's not by choice. Nor is it due to some kind of ethnic moral failing. When we allow members of society to think this way, we increase the possibility of more of those conditions to spread.

The evil of humankind is not extinct. It isn't like cavemen had slaved and we have evolved since then. Evil waits for opportunities, and when it cannot wait, it creates.

So when we continue to hold back and allow the classes to divide, we run the risk.

Becoming a have-not, living only on state assistance and otherwise deatined to starve, is not only what we risk, as those numbers grow.

We also risk being responsible for allowing this to happen, by our own stupid complacency.

I am not here to profit from these statements. I don't judge anyone for their political beleifs. All I am asking is for you to wake up, and stop believing
all of the polarizing news about politics, which keeps us from actually progressing. Don't think you are a "have" or amongst the lucky few in society, while more are impoverished, more are imprisoned, uneducated or addicted to drugs.

Most of our leaders are elected, and we chose them to be in their positions. Nobody elects TV or movie stars, I guess. But you can, now.

Vote for Stereomedia by watching it because it won't disappoint, and it will never stray from the force that has guided it since the beginning.

The end, for now.

At the end of the night, as I walked home, an asteroid burned in the upper atmosphere. They used to call that a shooting star. i still call it a sign.

I can still think of seeing that as my reward.

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