Friday, January 20, 2012

Greatest In My Memory

Greatest Love Story

I saw the greatest love story already. It was the bomb dot com.
Actually it was the GreatestLoveStoryMovie.Com

Tag line for the Trailer:
Sometimes the greatest love story
Happens every day.

Then character says:
"But how can that possibly happen every day?"

Two kids fall in love, move away, go to school, get lost, come back and find eachother again.

Sounds simple, right?

(Acorns tossed as little kids)

Note From Writer (Ian Applegate (or yoda).):
I have only seen the trailer, and the opening and closing scenes of this.
The rest has yet to be written completely.

Opening Scene

It's late. Sis is asleep. Everyone in the whole house is completely asleep. Even the dog is asleep.
I'm having a dream. I'm playing football in a stadium, it's dark and foggy.
Somebody snaps me the ball. I shout out the call.

There are only 12 of us on the field in an empty stadium.
All my receivers (2) are running their patterns. I can see their patterns in my mind.
And then I see them as kids, playing Xbox in my room together when we were younger.
We're playing a football game, and it's identical to the game in my dream.
The two screens run in tangent with one another, as I select a button, the pass is snapped
There is a flash of light.

It's the light from my blinking alarm clock.

I stand up, in my blue PJ's. It's summertime and the windows are open.
Haven't been to school in weeks. It's sophomore year, and I feel like my big dream will never come true.

My biggest dream, and I know it sounds lame, is to meet the right girl.
And not just meet her, but hit it off with her right off the bat.
With a great conversation, a serious look, maybe our friends could talk about it for a few days before we finally agree to meet up.

But that's not what happened at all.

I was standing by my locker, and I saw this girl walk by, and she gave me a nice look.
So I quickly put away my books and just started following her.

I didn't know where I was going, or where she was headed, but I just thought it was a harmless excuse to be late for class. I got lost.
She ends up down the other end of the same hall, at her locker. She stopped, opened the door, and then I startled her.

"What are you doing?" she asks, startled. Heck, it startled me. She caught me off guard. I guess I didn't even realize what I was doing.
So I said, "You gave me this look, over there."

"What look?"
"What do you mean 'what look'?"
"Whatever! I looked at you and smiled. That doesn't give you permission to follow me down the halls."

Just then an older gentleman wearing some oldschool vest, wearing glasses, maybe having big long dreadlocks, steps out of a classroom. "Do you have permission to be in the halls?"

In the course of that time, the two of them completely didn't notice that two bells had rung, and they were standing in the hallway by themselves.
That was the first time they met.

I'm not going to be able to withstand 3 years of this forsaken place, if a girl can give you a look like that, and get away with it, as if it doesn't mean something.
I'm not going to spend my time chasing girls like that, either. If it was meant to be, it was meant to be. And that's just how it is," he thinks in class.

They see eachother at a party, but avoid one another. It's odd, as a movie, because people might not realize this but we know eachother.
We've known eachother for years. Christ, this town only has 400 people in it. You meet the woman that serves you coffee every Sunday Morning in kindergarten.
You realize that's who she'll be in the fourth grade when you find out that her mom is the woman who fills up your mom's cup of coffee after church when you go out for brunch every Sunday.

Luckily that's Suzy Plattus, she's not the girl we're talking about here. The girl we're talking about is a tease. She's a flirt. And she's been like that since the second grade. That's the first time that I ever slowed down enough in recess to notice that she was constantly staring at me. So I start throwing acorns at her, but that doesn't work. It actually kind of seemed to piss her off a little.

But she never threw one back, and that's probably a good thing because I would have started to look for bigger acorns. Anyway I was just trying to get her attention but I didn't know any better. I wouldn't throw acorns at my mom, for example, but Ani's a different story because she can't ground me. Besides, I wanted her to notice and be aware of my superhuman aiming powers.

Now we're 16. We've never dated. We barely even speak yet we know immense levels of detail about eachother. For example, she knows that I got all my comic books stolen from me by my best friend in 7th grade and that's why we never speak to eachother, even though we're on the same team. She was there when I peed my pants in the first grade, and she knows I have a hard time sitting still because I used to squirm around on the rug when we were in kindergarten. That level of detail is alot for a fully grown woman to know about a 16 year old kid.

And believe me, she is fully grown. I was well aware of that in sixth grade when I started noticing. And I guess alot of guys started noticing because the seating arrangement in the class kind of changed after that, but I stayed in my seat because I liked my seat and I could see her just fine in all of the crazy facebook pictures she took of herself and posted online.

So one night, in the Fall of Autumn of our sophomore year, I went walking around because I couldn't sleep. I used to stay up, with my eyes closed, imagining things while I layed under the covers in bed. One night I started imagining the neighborhood, and the streets outside, and I thought, why don't I just get up and see it in real life? I'm lying awake anyway, just thinking about it. So I went for a walk by myself, out down the street and around the corner. It was about 3 Am, and nothing is really moving at that time of night. But when the moon is really bright, everything looks blue and seems like it's in slow motion, because everything is barely moving at all.

I like the way that the trees cover the road. Their long branches extend and in the fall, they create a bright red tunnel for cars to drive underneath. Some of the leaves were gone, and the moon was poking through the thinner sections of branches, and the leaves. I decided that I wanted to center myself directly into the middle of the scenery, and walk in a straight line right down the center of the road. I figured at that period of time in the middle of the night, there are no cars. So I did just that.

It was while I was in between pretending the middle of the road was a tightrope, and my following the moon through the trees, that I noticed a figure, right down the center of the horizon. My first inclination was to believe that I was still asleep. I tried imagining if I was in bed or not. The shape appeared to be a girl in a nightgown. I looked at her shape and knew it was Ani.

We walked up to eachother and there was an intense moment of suspense. We kiss... or do we? That's the thing.

"I'm not sure if this is a dream or not," I tell my friends at the lunch table.
"So wait, let me get this straight. You're out sleepwalking. Or you're asleep. And you see Ani and she's sleepwalking."
"Ronnie. You're having a dream."
"It was a dream, Ronnie. There's no way that this could possibly have been real. It sounds too made up to be real."
One of my friends, Erik, says the most common sense thing out of all of them.
"You're not going to notice unless you ask."

We walk out of the lunch room and down the hall. I think, "You know, that's going to sound like the cheesiest pickup line ever."

She looks at me like she never had before. It was partial amazement, part wonder. I knew without words the answer but I asked anyway, because I was kind of on autopilot at the moment.

Final Scene

Ronnie walks around the neighborhood, looking for some flowers to pick for Ani.
He finds a bunch that he likes, while being very selective about picking some that remind him the most of her.
When he gets to her door, the flowers planted on the porch are completely identical to the ones that he chose.

Down the street, in the middle of the street...

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