I would only run for government if I could really change things for everybody. Like the way that Google has changed things. They've provided more public services than the federal government!
Keep in mind that when the government performs a service, it's a government agency. When a company does it for them, it's just one company helping out another. The first group of people financially benefit from the fact that the keeper of the checkbook is really one step away from the decision process. That's one step further than normal businesses, which need to keep a closer look at the bottom line. The other group enjoys the special favors bestowed upon them for cooperation in this complicit system. Democracy as we know it is fading. Fast.
That's why I'm offering you this new product, I call it Google Municipal. It's essentially a way for citizens to keep track of our government. I recently had it explained to me, today, by a young female running for alderwoman of her district. She said that voting online is just not feasible because, she said sympathetically, not all people have access to a computer.
Not a big fan of that explanation. If you'd like an informed society, one that can make sound decisions on voting, then it should be the role of government to ensure that the internet is available to its citizens. AT&T is successful in large part due to their strict policy of punishing people for having trouble with their bills. If we made it their civic duty as an American company to provide free internet access to all those without enough income to afford it (as a basic human right), they might buckle under the threat of legislature and stop punishing the very people that they are making their fortunes from. That alone would not be enough. We'd need to pass the law and make the companies responsible for providing their products to our citizens, or it gets "Nationalized."
Nationalization is the next step beyond Corporate Fascism, which is where we are standing right on the brink of at this very moment. In my opinion, there must need to be a major cataclysmic geopolitical event to break the hold of the corporations on our planet. But it wouldn't take much. In fact, all that needs to occur could happen on paper. It might not even come to the plight of human self-extermination that we call "war," a societal trend of periodic insanity that we've seen as blips on the radar in the Twentieth Century.
Wars, we have not seen yet on our soil. No one could see this coming exactly as it happens. That's why I thought about it, and decided that I would write about it. Here is where I think we're headed. Mark me wrong, if I am wrong. But think about the reasons that I have for believing these things, and you might say that some of them are valid. Hold me accountable? Don't. Because I do not support any of this stuff. I don't want the world to slip into chaos, but let's face it: me, at 31? I can't stop this stuff from happening alone. We're past the point of prevention. In many ways, this becomes more like a warning for the signs that I see down the road that lead to a path of self-destruction.
These are the signs that lead you away from that road. Picture this as a survival guide for more difficult times. An instinct test. That's all it really is. Once you can determine that there's a clear purpose to your life, then you can fulfill that purpose and not question your existence for a moment. It's the question or uncertainness that causes people to lose direction. Our aim and goal must be 100% wholeheartedly dedicated to the task of one thing: survival.
Not everyone has to be on the same side, too, in order for society to get along. Expressing that dissent is equivalent to publicly supporting an incumbent is wiggity-wiggity wack, as well. Though times are tough, we must not lose hope with the government. They'll swing the people back and forth and say "It's the government, you fools!" when they protest the Corporations with OWS. But the instant that they sway their direction at Capital Hill, they puppetize the media into telling everyone, "No, it's the corporations that need to be told what to do!"
If the corporations and the government are owned by the same people, it doesn't matter what one does to the other, because it's always going to be in the same interest, either / or. We can't have a government that is loyal to these mini-governments who essentially draft their own laws and hire people to manage the campaigns for the folks that are going to turn their dreams into wishes, and wishes into laws.
The question is, where do they get their wishes from? Is it some devilish instinctual urge to suppress the rest of humanity, as an egotistical thing? Would this be the same as a man who is proud of himself for the number of slaves he owns? And that's what the Occupy Wall Street movement really is.
These are people who want to use whatever freedom is left in this country to enjoy the use of public space, before they're forced into bondage by corporate prison systems that acquire all of these student loan defaulters because there's just no room in society for them. What if these corporate prison systems existed? They do. They're called FEMA Camps and I believe they exist. This is on account of the reports in the FEMA Budget to refurbish old military bases and turn them into detainment camps for emergency disaster relief.
The trouble with the Occupy! movement is simply that the situation is going to get ugly. How ugly? I don't know. I speculated earlier that they might start incarcerating people with student debt that can't be paid off, in an effort to keep the homeless population down and keep civil unrest at bay. This could go on while in the meantime they wage terrible wars overseas. Since we can't get rid of our upper management, and they see themselves at odds with the rest of the world, it's safe to say that we're on the slow train to the Fourth Reich, bringing this one from overseas to handle the social disease.
How bad can things get? Pretty bad. People keep talking about how the protest movement has opened their eyes to the plain-in-sight plight of the white flight. That's right, and they act as if it's worthy of getting pissed to compare this to the construct of slavery. If you don't think there's still slavery in America, what do you call the prison system? Those people were made to be dangerous by the conditions that created the forces in their lives that caused them to do bad things. I'm not saying that they're not responsible for their actions. Now that they've been spoiled, it's better probably that they're not free in society because crime is the only life they know how to live, and crime is dangerous because it creates innocent victims. That whole Freakanomics thing was about how, basically, the mysterious drop in crime after the mid-nineties was due to abortion becoming legal in the 70's.
All of the solutions that human beings come up with for our "problems" with "overpopulation" (which are really just our problems with mass consumption), is that these people would be willing to let people die rather than to give away their power. And they have the power to do that, if they wish. The question to them is a matter of when. For the rest of us, we can obey the delusion and think that we can "take back government" as a reaction to all the mistakes that have been made. But that's not for me. I'm too busy trying to determine when they think it's the right time to enact their plan.